Interface OSMLECRDeploymentProps

Interface representing the properties for the OSMLECRDeployment Construct.


interface OSMLECRDeploymentProps {
    account: OSMLAccount;
    removalPolicy: RemovalPolicy;
    repositoryName: string;
    sourceUri: string;
    tag?: string;
    vpc?: IVpc;
    vpcSubnets?: SubnetSelection;


account: OSMLAccount

The OSML account associated with this VPC.

removalPolicy: RemovalPolicy

The removal policy for the container. Specifies what happens when the resource is deleted.

repositoryName: string

The name of the repository where the container image is stored.

sourceUri: string

The URI of the source for the container image.

tag?: string

An optional tag for identifying the container.

vpc?: IVpc

An optional VPC (Virtual Private Cloud) configuration for the container.

vpcSubnets?: SubnetSelection

An optional selection of VPC subnets for the container deployment.

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