Configuration class for MRDataplane Construct.


  • Constructor for MRDataplaneConfig.


    • SNS_IMAGE_STATUS_TOPIC: string = "ImageStatusTopic"

      The name of the SNS topic for image status.

    • SNS_REGION_STATUS_TOPIC: string = "RegionStatusTopic"

      The name of the SNS topic for region status.

    • SQS_IMAGE_STATUS_QUEUE: string = "ImageStatusQueue"

      The name of the SQS queue for image status.

    • SQS_REGION_STATUS_QUEUE: string = "RegionStatusQueue"

      The name of the SQS queue for region status.

    • SQS_IMAGE_REQUEST_QUEUE: string = "ImageRequestQueue"

      The name of the SQS queue for image requests.

    • SQS_REGION_REQUEST_QUEUE: string = "RegionRequestQueue"

      The name of the SQS queue for region requests.

    • DDB_JOB_STATUS_TABLE: string = "ImageProcessingJobStatus"

      The name of the DynamoDB table for job status.

    • DDB_FEATURES_TABLE: string = "ImageProcessingFeatures"

      The name of the DynamoDB table for image processing features.

    • DDB_ENDPOINT_PROCESSING_TABLE: string = "EndpointProcessingStatistics"

      The name of the DynamoDB table for endpoint processing statistics.

    • DDB_REGION_REQUEST_TABLE: string = "RegionProcessingJobStatus"

      The name of the DynamoDB table for region request status.

    • DDB_TTL_ATTRIBUTE: string = "expire_time"

      The attribute name for expiration time in DynamoDB.

    • METRICS_NAMESPACE: string = "OSML"

      The namespace for metrics.

    • MR_CLUSTER_NAME: string = "OSMLCluster"

      The name of the MR cluster.

    • MR_TASK_ROLE_NAME: string = "OSMLTaskRole"

      The name of the MR task role.

    • MR_EXECUTION_ROLE_NAME: string = "OSMLExecutionRole"

      The name of the MR execution role.

    • MR_CONTAINER_NAME: string = "OSMLModelRunnerContainer"

      The name of the MR container.

    • MR_TASK_MEMORY: number = 16384

      The memory configuration for MR tasks.

    • MR_TASK_CPU: number = 8192

      The CPU configuration for MR tasks.

    • MR_CONTAINER_MEMORY: number = 10240

      The memory configuration for MR containers.

    • MR_CONTAINER_CPU: number = 7168

      The CPU configuration for MR containers.

    • MR_LOGGING_MEMORY: number = 1024

      The memory configuration for logging.

    • MR_LOGGING_CPU: number = 1024

      The CPU configuration for logging.

    • MR_WORKERS_PER_CPU: number = 2

      The number of workers per CPU.

    • MR_DEFAULT_DESIRE_COUNT: number = 1
    • MR_REGION_SIZE: string = "(8192, 8192)"

      The size of MR regions in the format "(width, height)".

    • MR_ENABLE_IMAGE_STATUS: boolean = true

      Whether to deploy image status messages.

    • MR_ENABLE_REGION_STATUS: boolean = false

      Whether to deploy region status messages.

    Returns MRDataplaneConfig


DDB_ENDPOINT_PROCESSING_TABLE: string = "EndpointProcessingStatistics"

The name of the DynamoDB table for endpoint processing statistics.

DDB_FEATURES_TABLE: string = "ImageProcessingFeatures"

The name of the DynamoDB table for image processing features.

DDB_JOB_STATUS_TABLE: string = "ImageProcessingJobStatus"

The name of the DynamoDB table for job status.

DDB_REGION_REQUEST_TABLE: string = "RegionProcessingJobStatus"

The name of the DynamoDB table for region request status.

DDB_TTL_ATTRIBUTE: string = "expire_time"

The attribute name for expiration time in DynamoDB.


The namespace for metrics.

MR_CLUSTER_NAME: string = "OSMLCluster"

The name of the MR cluster.

MR_CONTAINER_CPU: number = 7168

The CPU configuration for MR containers.

MR_CONTAINER_MEMORY: number = 10240

The memory configuration for MR containers.

MR_CONTAINER_NAME: string = "OSMLModelRunnerContainer"

The name of the MR container.

MR_ENABLE_IMAGE_STATUS: boolean = true

Whether to deploy image status messages.

MR_ENABLE_REGION_STATUS: boolean = false

Whether to deploy region status messages.

MR_EXECUTION_ROLE_NAME: string = "OSMLExecutionRole"

The name of the MR execution role.

MR_LOGGING_CPU: number = 1024

The CPU configuration for logging.

MR_LOGGING_MEMORY: number = 1024

The memory configuration for logging.

MR_REGION_SIZE: string = "(8192, 8192)"

The size of MR regions in the format "(width, height)".

MR_TASK_CPU: number = 8192

The CPU configuration for MR tasks.

MR_TASK_MEMORY: number = 16384

The memory configuration for MR tasks.

MR_TASK_ROLE_NAME: string = "OSMLTaskRole"

The name of the MR task role.

MR_WORKERS_PER_CPU: number = 2

The number of workers per CPU.

SNS_IMAGE_STATUS_TOPIC: string = "ImageStatusTopic"

The name of the SNS topic for image status.

SNS_REGION_STATUS_TOPIC: string = "RegionStatusTopic"

The name of the SNS topic for region status.

SQS_IMAGE_REQUEST_QUEUE: string = "ImageRequestQueue"

The name of the SQS queue for image requests.

SQS_IMAGE_STATUS_QUEUE: string = "ImageStatusQueue"

The name of the SQS queue for image status.

SQS_REGION_REQUEST_QUEUE: string = "RegionRequestQueue"

The name of the SQS queue for region requests.

SQS_REGION_STATUS_QUEUE: string = "RegionStatusQueue"

The name of the SQS queue for region status.

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