Interface MEHTTPEndpointProps

Represents the properties required to configure an OSML (OversightML) HTTP endpoint within an AWS ECS (Elastic Container Service) cluster.


interface MEHTTPEndpointProps {
    account: OSMLAccount;
    clusterName: string;
    containerEnv?: { [key: string]: string };
    containerPort: number;
    cpu: number;
    healthcheckPath: string;
    hostPort: number;
    image: ContainerImage;
    loadBalancerName: string;
    memory: number;
    osmlVpc: OSMLVpc;
    role: IRole;
    securityGroupId?: string;


account: OSMLAccount

The OSML (OversightML) account to associate with the endpoint.

clusterName: string

The name of the ECS cluster where the endpoint will be deployed.

containerEnv?: { [key: string]: string }

Optional environment variables to be set within the container.

containerPort: number

The port within the container where the application will listen for incoming traffic.

cpu: number

The number of CPU units to allocate to the container.

healthcheckPath: string

The path for the health check endpoint used by the load balancer.

hostPort: number

The host port on which the container will listen for incoming traffic.

image: ContainerImage

The Docker container image to be used for the endpoint.

loadBalancerName: string

The name of the load balancer associated with the endpoint.

memory: number

The amount of memory to allocate to the container in megabytes (MB).

osmlVpc: OSMLVpc

The OSML VPC (Virtual Private Cloud) configuration for the endpoint.

role: IRole

The IAM (Identity and Access Management) role used by the endpoint's task definition.

securityGroupId?: string

The ID of the security group to associate with the ECS task.