Interface MESMEndpointProps

Represents the properties required to configure an OSML model endpoint.


interface MESMEndpointProps {
    ecrContainerUri: string;
    enableSegmentation: boolean;
    initialInstanceCount: number;
    initialVariantWeight: number;
    instanceType: string;
    modelName: string;
    repositoryAccessMode: string;
    roleArn: string;
    securityGroupId: string;
    subnetIds: string[];
    variantName: string;


ecrContainerUri: string

The URI of the Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR) container image.

enableSegmentation: boolean

Whether to include segmentation masks in the model output.

initialInstanceCount: number

The initial number of instances to run for the endpoint.

initialVariantWeight: number

The initial weight for the model variant when using traffic splitting.

instanceType: string

The instance type for the endpoint.

modelName: string

The name of the machine learning model.

repositoryAccessMode: string

The access mode for the model repository (e.g., "ReadWrite" or "ReadOnly").

roleArn: string

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the role that provides permissions for the endpoint.

securityGroupId: string

The security group ID to associate with the endpoint.

subnetIds: string[]

An array of subnet IDs where the endpoint should be deployed.

variantName: string

The name of the model variant.

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