Interface MRModelEndpointsProps

Represents the properties required to configure an MR (Model Router) model endpoints.


interface MRModelEndpointsProps {
    account: OSMLAccount;
    deployAircraftModel?: boolean;
    deployCenterpointModel?: boolean;
    deployFloodModel?: boolean;
    deployHttpCenterpointModel?: boolean;
    httpEndpointRole?: IRole;
    modelContainerImage: ContainerImage;
    modelContainerUri: string;
    mrModelEndpointsConfig?: MRModelEndpointsConfig;
    osmlVpc: OSMLVpc;
    securityGroupId?: string;
    smRole?: IRole;


account: OSMLAccount

The OSML (OversightML) account associated with the model endpoints.

deployAircraftModel?: boolean

(Optional) Indicates whether to deploy an aircraft model.

deployCenterpointModel?: boolean

(Optional) Indicates whether to deploy a centerpoint model.

deployFloodModel?: boolean

(Optional) Indicates whether to deploy a flood model.

deployHttpCenterpointModel?: boolean

(Optional) Indicates whether to deploy an HTTP centerpoint model.

httpEndpointRole?: IRole

(Optional) The IAM role to assume when making HTTP requests to the model endpoint.

modelContainerImage: ContainerImage

The container image for the model to be deployed.

modelContainerUri: string

The URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) for the model container.

mrModelEndpointsConfig?: MRModelEndpointsConfig

(Optional) Configuration settings for MR (Model Router) model endpoints.

osmlVpc: OSMLVpc

The OSML (OversightML) VPC (Virtual Private Cloud) where the model will be deployed.

securityGroupId?: string

(Optional) The security group ID associated with the model's security settings.

smRole?: IRole

(Optional) The IAM role to assume when deploying the model.

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