InsuranceLake Full Deployment Guide

This section provides complete instructions for three deployment environments, and a separate central deployment account for pipelines.



Logistical Requirements

  • Four AWS accounts for full deployment: One account acts like a central deployment account. The other three accounts are for development, test, and production accounts. To test this solution with a single account refer to the Quickstart guide for detailed instructions.

  • Branches in your GitHub repository: You need to start with at least one branch (for example, a develop branch) to start using this solution. Test and production branches can be added at the beginning or after the deployment of the data lake infrastructure on the development environment.

  • Administrator privileges: You need administrator privileges to bootstrap your AWS environments and complete the initial deployment. Usually, these steps can be performed by a DevOps administrator of your team. After these steps, you can revoke administrative privileges. Subsequent deployments are based on AWS CDK roles and pipeline self-mutation.

  • AWS Region selection: For simplicity, we recommend you use the same AWS Region for deployment, development, test, and production accounts. However, this is not a hard requirement.

Self-mutating Pipelines with AWS CDK

The pipeline you have created using the CDK Pipelines module is self-mutating. That means the pipeline itself is infrastructure-as-code and can be changed as part of the deployment. During the build stage the pipeline will determine if its own stack is changed, redeploy the pipeline, and repeat the build stage using the new pipeline definition.

Centralized Deployment

Let us see how we deploy data lake ETL workloads from a central deployment account to multiple AWS environments such as development, testing, and production. As shown in the figure below, we organize InsuranceLake ETL source code into three branches: develop, test, and main. We use a dedicated AWS account to create AWS CDK Pipelines. Each branch is mapped to an AWS CDK pipeline which is mapped to a target environment. This way, code changes made to the branches are deployed iteratively to their respective target environment.

To deploy this solution, we need four AWS accounts as follows:

  • Central deployment account to create AWS CDK Pipelines
  • Dev account for one or more development data lakes
  • Test account for testing or staging the data lake
  • Prod account for the production data lake

The figure below represents the centralized deployment model.

Data Lake Repository Branch Strategy

Note the following considerations:

  • Each source code repository should be organized into three branches, one for each environment (main branch is often used for production).
  • Each branch is mapped to an AWS CDK Pipeline and a target environment. This way, code changes made to the branches are deployed iteratively to their respective target environment.
  • Using AWS CDK, we apply the the following bootstrapping design:
    • The central deployment account will utilize a standard bootstrap.
    • Each target account will require a cross account trust policy to allow access from the centralized deployment account.

Continuous Delivery of Data Lake Infrastructure using CDK Pipelines

The figure below illustrates the continuous delivery of ETL resources for the data lake.

Data Lake CDK Pipeline Continuous Delivery

  1. The DevOps administrator checks in the code to the repository.
  2. The DevOps administrator (with elevated access) facilitates a one-time manual deployment on a target environment. Elevated access includes administrative privileges on the central deployment account and target AWS environments.
  3. CodePipeline periodically listens to commit events on the source code repositories. This is the self-mutating nature of CodePipeline. It’s configured to work with and is able to update itself according to the provided definition.
  4. Code changes made to the main branch of the repo are automatically deployed to the dev environment of the data lake.
  5. Code changes to the test branch of the repo are automatically deployed to the test environment.
  6. Code changes to the prod branch of the repo are automatically deployed to the prod environment.


This section provides the details for full deployment.

Software Installation

  1. AWS CLI: Confirm you have AWS CLI configured on your system. If not, refer to Configuring the AWS CLI for more details.

  2. Python: Confirm you have Python installed on your system. Python 3.9 and above is required.

  3. Node.js and AWS CDK: AWS CDK for Python requires Node.js and the Node.js AWS CDK CLI to be installed on your system

  4. GitHub Fork: We recommend you fork the repository so you are in control of deployed resources.

AWS Environment Bootstrapping

Environment bootstrap is a standard AWS CDK process to prepare an AWS environment ready for deployment. Follow these steps:

  1. Open a command line interface (CLI) or terminal.

  2. Go to project root directory where the file exists.

  3. Create a Python virtual environment; this is a one-time activity.

     python3 -m venv .venv
  4. Expected output: you will see a folder with name .venv created in project root folder. You can run the following command to see its contents: ls -la .venv

     total 8
     drwxr-xr-x   6 user_id  staff   192 Aug 30 23:21 ./
     drwxr-xr-x  33 user_id  staff  1056 Sep 14 11:42 ../
     drwxr-xr-x  27 user_id  staff   864 Sep  8 13:11 bin/
     drwxr-xr-x   3 user_id  staff    96 Aug 30 23:21 include/
     drwxr-xr-x   3 user_id  staff    96 Aug 30 23:21 lib/
     -rw-r--r--   1 user_id  staff   328 Aug 30 23:21 pyvenv.cfg
  5. Activate the Python virtual environment.

     source .venv/bin/activate
  6. Install application dependencies.

     pip install -r requirements.txt
  7. Before you bootstrap the central deployment account account, set the AWS_PROFILE environment variable.

     export AWS_PROFILE=replace_it_with_deployment_account_profile_name_before_running
    1. This command is based on configuration and credential profiles for the AWS CLI. Instructions can be found here.
    2. If you want to use an alternative option, then refer to Configuring the AWS CLI and Environment variables to configure the AWS CLI for details. Be sure to follow those steps for each configuration step moving forward.
  8. Bootstrap the central deployment account.

    Your configured environment must target the central deployment account.

    Your accounts may have already been bootstrapped for CDK. If so, you do not need to bootstrap them again. Using the CloudFormation console, check if a stack called CDKToolkit exists. If it does, you can skip this step. Each environment must be checked separately.

    By default CDK bootstrapping will use the Administrator Access policy attached to the current session’s role. If your organization requires a specific policy for CloudFormation deployment, use the --cloudformation-execution-policies command line option to specify the policies to attach.

    Run the following command:


    If your organization requires specific resource tags, you can pass that tag list on the script command line using --tags. Multiple tags are passed as follows:

     ./lib/prerequisites/ --tags 'COSTCENTER'='Analytics' --tags 'AssetID'='555'

    If your organization requires a permissions boundary attached to all IAM roles, use the following parameter:

     ./lib/prerequisites/ --custom-permissions-boundary OrgPermissionBoundaryPolicy

    Provided permissions boundary will only be applied to the AWS CDK execution role, not the other roles that are created as part of the bootstrap process.

    If your organization requires additional customizations to the bootstrap process, you may need to customize and deploy the bootstrap template. For more information, refer to the Customizing bootstrapping section of the AWS CDK documentation.

  9. When you see the following text, enter y, and press enter.

     Are you sure you want to bootstrap {
         "UserId": "user_id",
         "Account": "deployment_account_id",
         "Arn": "arn:aws:iam::deployment_account_id:user/user_id"
     }? (y/n)y
  10. Expected outputs:
    1. In your terminal, the following will show:
     ✅  Environment aws://deployment_account_id/us-east-2 bootstrapped.
    1. You will see a stack created in your deployment account as follows:

      Central Deployment Account Bootstrap

    2. An S3 bucket will be created in the central deployment account. The name will follow the convention: cdk-hnb659fds-<assets-deployment_account_id>-<region name>.

  11. Before you bootstrap the dev account, set the AWS_PROFILE environment variable.

     export AWS_PROFILE=replace_it_with_dev_account_profile_name_before_running
  12. Bootstrap the dev account.

    1. Enter the following command:
     ./lib/prerequisites/ <central_deployment_account_id> arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AdministratorAccess
    1. When you see the following text, enter y, and press enter.
     Are you sure you want to bootstrap {
         "UserId": "user_id",
         "Account": "dev_account_id",
         "Arn": "arn:aws:iam::dev_account_id:user/user_id"
     } providing a trust relationship to: deployment_account_id using policy arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AdministratorAccess? (y/n)
    1. In your terminal, the following will show:
     ✅ Environment aws://dev_account_id/us-east-2 bootstrapped.
  13. Before you bootstrap the test account, set the AWS_PROFILE environment variable.

     export AWS_PROFILE=replace_it_with_test_account_profile_name_before_running
  14. Bootstrap the test account.

    1. Enter the following command:
     ./lib/prerequisites/ <central_deployment_account_id> arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AdministratorAccess
    1. When you see the following text, enter y, and press enter.
     Are you sure you want to bootstrap {
         "UserId": "user_id",
         "Account": "test_account_id",
         "Arn": "arn:aws:iam::test_account_id:user/user_id"
     } providing a trust relationship to: deployment_account_id using policy arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AdministratorAccess? (y/n)
    1. In your terminal, the following will show:
     ✅ Environment aws://test_account_id/us-east-2 bootstrapped.
  15. Before you bootstrap the prod account, set the AWS_PROFILE environment variable.

     export AWS_PROFILE=replace_it_with_prod_account_profile_name_before_running
  16. Bootstrap the prod account.

    1. Enter the following command:
     ./lib/prerequisites/ <central_deployment_account_id> arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AdministratorAccess
    1. When you see the following text, enter y, and press enter.
     Are you sure you want to bootstrap {
         "UserId": "user_id",
         "Account": "prod_account_id",
         "Arn": "arn:aws:iam::prod_account_id:user/user_id"
     } providing a trust relationship to: deployment_account_id using policy arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AdministratorAccess? (y/n)
    1. In your terminal, the following will show:
     ✅ Environment aws://prod_account_id/us-east-2 bootstrapped.

Application Configuration

This deployment will depend on both the Infrastructure and ETL repositories associated with the project.

Before we deploy our resources, we must provide the manual variables and upon deployment the AWS CDK Pipelines will programmatically export outputs for managed resources. Follow the below steps to set up your custom configuration:

  1. Open the application file lib/ and fill in values under the local_mapping dictionary within the function get_local_configuration as desired.

    You can safely commit these values to your repository.


     local_mapping = {
         DEPLOYMENT: {
             ACCOUNT_ID: 'add_your_deployment_account_id_here',
             REGION: 'us-east-2',
             # If you use GitHub / GitHub Enterprise, this will be the organization name
             GITHUB_REPOSITORY_OWNER_NAME: 'aws-samples',
             # Use your forked Github repo here!
             # Leave empty if you do not use Github
             GITHUB_REPOSITORY_NAME: 'aws-insurancelake-infrastructure',
             # If you use Bitbucket Cloud or any other supported Codestar provider, specify the
             # Codestar connection ARN
             # Codestar repository owner or workspace name if using Bitbucket Cloud
             # Leave empty if you do not use Codestar
             # Use only if your repository is already in CodecCommit, otherwise leave empty!
             # Use your CodeCommit repo name here
             # Use only if you do NOT use Github or CodeCommit and need to mirror your repository
             # Name your CodeCommit mirror repo here (recommend matching your external repo)
             # Leave empty if you use Github or your repository is in CodeCommit already
             # This is used in the Logical Id of CloudFormation resources.
             # We recommend Capital case for consistency, e.g. DataLakeCdkBlog
             LOGICAL_ID_PREFIX: 'InsuranceLake',
             # Important: This is used as a prefix for resources that must be **globally** unique!
             # Resource names may only contain alphanumeric characters, hyphens, and cannot contain trailing hyphens.
             # S3 bucket names from this application must be under the 63 character bucket name limit
             RESOURCE_NAME_PREFIX: 'insurancelake',
         DEV: {
             ACCOUNT_ID: 'add_your_dev_account_id_here',
             REGION: 'us-east-2',
             LINEAGE: True,
             # Comment out if you do not need VPC connectivity
             VPC_CIDR: '',
             CODE_BRANCH: 'develop',
         TEST: {
             ACCOUNT_ID: 'add_your_test_account_id_here',
             REGION: 'us-east-2',
             LINEAGE: True,
             # Comment out if you do not need VPC connectivity
             VPC_CIDR: '',
             CODE_BRANCH: 'test',
         PROD: {
             ACCOUNT_ID: 'add_your_production_account_id_here',
             REGION: 'us-east-2',
             LINEAGE: True,
             # Comment out if you do not need VPC connectivity
             VPC_CIDR: '',
             CODE_BRANCH: 'main',
  2. Copy the file to the ETL repository:

     cp lib/ ../aws-insurancelake-etl/lib/
  3. Edit the in the ETL repository and modify the repository configuration parameters to reference the ETL code repository.

    We recommend that you keep the logical ID prefix and resource name prefix consistent between repositories.

  4. Open the application file lib/ and adjust the tag names and values in the tag_map dictionary within the function get_tag as needed by your organization. You can edit the existing tag parameters, or add your own tag parameters.

    If you added any tag parameters, make sure you add them to the cdk.Tags.of calls in the tag function.


     tag_map = {
         COST_CENTER: [
         TEAM: [
         APPLICATION: [
         'ASSETID': [
  5. Copy the file to the ETL repository.

     cp lib/ ../aws-insurancelake-etl/lib/

AWS CodePipeline and GitHub Integration

Integration between AWS CodePipeline and GitHub requires a personal access token. This access token is stored in Secrets Manager. This is a one-time setup and is applicable for all target AWS environments and all repositories created under the organization in Follow the below steps:

  1. Create a personal access token in your GitHub. Refer to Creating a personal access token for details.

    The token should have these permissions:

    • repo - to read the repository
    • admin:repo_hook - to use webhooks as the trigger (recommended)
  2. Run the below command:

  3. Paste the GitHub personal access token when prompted.

  4. Confirm the profile, account, and Region; respond y if correct.

  5. Expected output:

     Pushing secret: /DataLake/GitHubToken

AWS CodePipeline and Bitbucket Integration

Integration between AWS CodePipeline and Atlassian Bitbucket requires creating an AWS CodeStar Connection. This same configuration can be used for any provider supported by AWS CodeStar (for example, GitLab).

  1. In the AWS Console, browse to the CodePipeline service.

  2. Select Settings to expand the menu options, and click Connections.

  3. Enter a connection name.

    The Bitbucket provider is selected by default. If a different provider is selected, the following steps will vary slightly. Follow the instructions to establish a trust between AWS CodeStar and your Git provider.

  4. Select the orange Connect to Bitbucket button.

  5. If you are not already logged into Bitbucket, you will be prompted to log in now.

  6. Select the Grant access button to confirm you want to allow AWS CodeStar to connect.

  7. Select Install a new app.

  8. You will be prompted to install the AWS CodeStar app for Bitbucket. Ensure the workspace selected contains the InsuranceLake repositories. Select Grant access.

  9. Select the orange Connect button.

  10. Copy the ARN displayed under Connection settings to your clipboard.

  11. Paste the ARN in lib/ for the CODESTAR_CONNECTION_ARN parameter.

  12. Enter the workspace name for the CODESTAR_REPOSITORY_OWNER_NAME parameter, and the repository name for the CODESTAR_REPOSITORY_NAME.

  13. Ensure that other configurations variables for Github and CodeCommit are empty strings.

Deploying CDK Stacks

  1. Configure your AWS profile to target the central deployment account as an Administrator; set the AWS_PROFILE environment variable:

     export AWS_PROFILE=replace_it_with_deployment_account_profile_name_before_running
  2. Go to the infrastructure project root directory where cdk.json and exist.

  3. Run the command cdk ls.

  4. Check the following CloudFormation stack names listed on your terminal:

    1. The InsuranceLake string literal is the value of LOGICAL_ID_PREFIX configured in
    2. The first three stacks represent the AWS CDK Pipeline stacks, which will be created in the deployment account. For each target environment, there will be three stacks.
  5. Run the command cdk deploy --all.

    This command will only deploy the AWS Codepipelines for each environment, which will in turn, deploy the rest of the data lake stacks in the respective environment accounts. If each pipeline is connected to a populated repository, this deployment will start immediately.

  6. Check the following expected outputs:

    1. In the deployment account’s CloudFormation console, you will see the following CloudFormation stacks created:

      Infrastructure CodePipeline Stacks Deployed in Central Account

    2. In the deployment account’s CodePipeline console, you will see the pipelines triggered.

  7. Wait for the infrastructure resource deployment through CodePipeline to complete, as these are dependencies for the ETL resources:

    • In the deployment account’s CodePipeline console, you should see the following (development environment shown):

      Infrastructure CodePipelines Complete

    • CodePipeline will create the following stacks for each environment (visible from the CloudFormation console):

      Infrastructure Stacks Deployed in Dev Account

  8. Go to the ETL project root directory where cdk.json and exist.

  9. Run the command cdk ls.

  10. Check the following CloudFormation stack names listed on your terminal:

  11. Run the command cdk deploy --all.

  12. Check the following expected outputs:

    1. In the deployment account’s CloudFormation console, you will see the following CloudFormation stacks created:

      ETL CodePipeline Stacks Deployed in Central Account

    2. In the deployment account’s CodePipeline console, the following pipelines should be created and triggered:

      ETL CodePipelines Complete

    3. CodePipeline will create the following stacks for each environment (visible from the Cloudformation console):

      ETL Stacks Deployed in Dev Account

  13. You can now begin using InsuranceLake in three environments and iteratively deploy updates.

    To try out the ETL and start loading synthetic insurance data in the dev environment, refer to the Try out the ETL Process section of the Quickstart guide.

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Page last modified: Sep 26 2024.